Saturday, January 12, 2013

Planning versus Reality

As I have said before, a c-section wasn't my first choice. I had wanted to have a vaginal birth because of the benefits for the baby and because I wanted to experience what all woman talk about. Call me crazy but I wanted to feel the contractions, do the pushing and have that glorious moment when Matt cuts the cord and they hand her to me. Instead, I never really felt continuous contractions, didn't have to push, didn't have to decide whether to use drugs or not and Matt got to hold her first (which was fine). I felt like I cheated, like I took the easy way out. I know it was the best thing Having a c-section also scared me because it is major abdominal surgery. Surgery is scary in my eyes, so much can happen and the chance of infection=super scary. Here lately a few people that recently had babies had c sections and they ended up with infections. Umm super scary in my eyes.

The first time the doctor mentioned a c-section I was only 38 weeks and I expressed my intentions of wanting a vaginal delivery and he was fine with it. Somehow, when you are already sitting in a hospital bed hooked up to the monitors and they are talking about blood pressure and pre-eclampsia some how what you wanted goes out the window. At that point it was all about what was best for baby and after a talk with Matt and a few tears it was decided that the c-section was the best option.

Obviously I was going to be medicated but I was not prepared for the amount of fluid they were going to put into me via IV.  I am still swollen in my feet and ankles. They did have issues getting the spinal in but once they got it in it worked instantly. I could feel pressure but felt no pain. Matt was beside me and he got to peak over and he saw her when they pulled her out. A big plus of having the section was they sucked most of the stuff and things out of me so I don't have the bleeding like I would had I had a vaginal delivery. Now not to get too TMI but there is bleeding but it has been just enough to be annoying.

Recovery has been slower than I expected. My incision looks good and I had the staples removed last Monday. While I was at the doctors I got on the scale and from the last day I was pregnant till Monday I had lost 11lbs. I am excited to see as I continue to lose fluid. I can tell if I do too much so back to the couch I go. They did give me ibprofun and oxycodon to bring home but I only take those if absolutely necessary. Last night was the first night I slept in our bed. I had missed sleeping beside Matt. I had been sleeping in the recliner because it was easier to get in and out of.

Now, since I had a c section I will always be a c section unless we go to a bigger hospital. Another thing that I didn't want but once again it wasn't about me.

If you ladies could send some love to Laura @ The Adventures of an Infertile Myrtle who is starting a new cycle her third with a new doctor and Bird @ Bird Meets Bee whose due date is today! Plus Sass @ (In) Fertility Unexplained who is getting so close!


  1. I feel the love. Thanks a million, Megan! I'm glad to hear you're getting rid of that fluid and listening to your body while you're healing. I'm sorry delivery didn't go the way you had hoped...and you cooked that girl like a champ for many, many weeks. That, my friend is not cheating. XO

  2. Ummmm, did NOT cheat! You grew a beautiful, healthy baby and you got her here safely. I am hoping to avoid a c-section (mainly because, like you, surgery scares me) but I will accept that I need to have one if circumstances require it.

    Thank you for the love! Still no news here...contractions tapered off as the day went on and are starting up again now (just like they did last night). I think this baby is trying to keep things interesting:)

    Hope your recovery keeps going well - I bet you'll get better sleep now that you are back in your comfy bed!

  3. So glad that your incision hasn't caused any issues. One of my closest friends had a really rocky experience lately with a c-section. I'm glad yours has turned out positively - although I know it was't your first choice. You're doing amazing Momma! Keep up the amazing work.
