Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nothing Exciting

My TWW is almost over. Nothing feels different but hey who knows right!? Anywhoo I had my blood draw last week along with a fasting glucose test. My fasting glucose number was down 7 points from where it had been the first time which I will take as a win. Now I'm sure it can be lower but hey we can always stand for some improvement somewhere right? My progesterone, however, was 8.8. I realize it is an improvement and I am staying positive. Repeat I am staying positive! I did go to good old goog.le and there have been some stories about positive tests with that low of progesterone. So please keep your fingers crossed! The nurse P did tell me that should this cycle not work then we will up the dose and give it one more try. If still a negative then we move onto the injectables and Matt and I move onto a break from Dr. S. 

On another note, I have a workout buddy! An old friend from my 4-H days and I reconnected and we are motivating each other at the gym. It definitely keeps me motivated and makes me not want to miss since I have someone counting on me to be there. I will say that my shin splints have come back with a vengeance so I have opted to do more of the elliptical and bike. Eventually it seems like I get over a hump of some sorts and they go away so I've been taking it easy and walking on the treadmill at a ssssssllllllllloooooowwwwww pace but hey none is better than some.

Nothing else is really going on with my life these days, these TWW's are super boring actually! Either way I will take a for sure TWW over anything else. I also want to give a shout out to a fellow bloggy friend who did get her BFP and I am super excited for her, even though I know this is late in saying but yay Scarlet!

Oh and if anyone can help the dumby here who tried to upload a new background from The Cutest Blog on the Block and somehow I couldn't get it to work =( so any help would be greatly appreciated!


  1. I see your new, pretty blue background! I love it! Way to go on the positivity front. I've seen my own progesterone numbers like that too, and it is possible...wishing, hoping, praying for you! So glad you have a gym buddy too- what a great motivator! A bunch of my girlfriends are dropping weight left and right using My Fitness Pal, I on the other hand, am eating everything in my path :)

  2. It's so great to have workout buddies! I am most consistent on days that I have someone that is counting on me the way I'm counting on them. Hoping your 2ww ends well!

  3. Glad you a staying positive and things are starting to look up, even if it's just a little!! Finding a workout buddy is more than half the battle! I get so bored with my blog I am always looking for ways to change it, but everything is just so darn difficult!

  4. That's awesome that you have someone to go with. Plus, I don't know if you are stretching right after you run or workout but if not do because that will help with you shin splints. They aren't fun!!! :( You are so amazing and you will overcome any bumps you come by!! I love your post and they keep me motivate! Hey where are you from anyways??

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! I have a friend who conceived with really low progesterone so it's definitely possible!

  6. By the way, I'd like to give you the One Lovely Blog award. See my post here for details. :) http://infertileoptimist.blogspot.com/2012/05/thank-you.html

  7. I'm catching up on your blog, and way to go with the workout buddy. They sure make workouts more fun!
