Thursday, August 23, 2012


Everything was great at the appointment today. Peanut is measuring at 20w1d and is weighing in at 12oz. All the tests have come back normal and my blood pressure is good. We do know what we are having, however, the bakery where I wanted to order my gender reveal cake won't be able to make the cake till next week. So you will all have to wait in anticipation =)


  1. Can't wait to find out gender! How exciting :-)

  2. You teaser! I keep checking my reader for news! :) Can't wait to see. Enjoy this week with your little secret. How fun!

  3. ahhhh...cant wait!!!! good to know everything went well :)

  4. My sister did the gender reveal cake, too - such a cute idea! So will you be sending each of us a slice? ;)

  5. Oh, I agree with Elizabeth! When is my slice coming in the mail? lol
    Glad to hear that you were able to find out at the appointment. Glad to hear that your blood pressure was good too. Hope you're feeling great! Can you believe how quickly second trimester is going?!

  6. Oh, I am just so excited for you! I have been absent from many blogs lately because of our own new arrival. But coming here and finding out that you are is just so exciting!! Congrats!!
