Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just a Quickie

First off I hope all of you have an amazing Thanksgiving. I know I will because Matt and I have so very much to be thankful for!

I will get a post about my awesome shower and you will see firsthand just how the craftiness oozes from Laura's mom. However, I am at work and all the pictures are at home so hopefully this weekend.

Anywho, I had my NST (non stress test) yesterday. I will say the best part was sitting there for 30-40 minutes and listening to her heartbeat. She wasn't as active as they would have liked to see in the beginning but towards the end she woke up and started moving. Everything looked good from then on. My blood pressure was good so no increase in meds, YAY!!!! I go back on Wednesday for another one.

Finally, a big congratulations to Amanda @ Growing Griswolds who got an awesome beta number!!!


  1. I can't wait to see pictures!! Mom was really excited about your shower stuff :) Glad the NST went well! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. So good to hear an update from you!! You must be getting so close...hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!!

  3. That sounds like 30-40 minutes of pure bliss!
