Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First Camping Trip, Mommy and Me, annnnddd Lactation Cookies Oh My!

Call us brave or dumb but we went camping over Memorial Day weekend. It was such a cold chilly weekend, not like I had hoped our first camping trip with Reagan would be. The amount of items to stock a camper for the first trip is a lot and it is expensive. Add a baby on top of that and whew the amount of stuff tripled.

I was nervous about her sleeping schedule. She has always been such a good sleeper and I don't want to jinx it! Well, I didn't have a darn thing to worry about, she kept her normal schedule. She was a tired girl when we got home on Monday though because she slept the whole way home and took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon.

Since it was so cold, Reagan only went on a short boat ride and didn't get to do any swimming =( but we did go on plenty of walks and I'm not sure who loved it more, Reagan or Zoe. I have so many pictures to upload off of my camera and do you think I remembered it, of course not.

I'm sure a lot of mom's would agree with me that there just aren't as many pictures of the kids and you as maybe just the kids or dad and kids because we are usually the ones behind the lens. A local photography that I follow on facebook (and who is actually going to be the photographer and my brothers wedding next year) offered a mini session called Mommy and Me. I jumped on it because I knew I would get some good pictures of Reagan and I. Boy was I right. Here are a few of my favorites!

 I am still pumping for Reagan but I can only get about a 5oz bottle a day. I've tried Moth.ers milk tea and other herbs but not really any luck. Drinking a beer after a pumping session does increase the next 2 but I'm just not a big beer drinker although Sum.mer Shan.dy is good as well as and ber.ry we.iss. On pin.terest one day I saw a recipe for lactation cookies. Cookies that could help my milk supply I think it is a complete win win! They used whole wheat flour (I got mine at the amish bulk food store, wayyy cheaper than any grocery), flax seed, and oats. It calls for brewers yeast but I have yet to find it. I was in the baking mood on Sunday and made a single batch which yielded about 2 1/2 dozen. OMG they are so good! Matt even ate them and loved them. I'm not sure if I truly am seeing an increase but in my head I think I am so hey whatever works.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why You Won't Find a Full Length Mirror in My House

A few months ago I decided to add my blog to the PAIL blogroll. It was someplace to find some new blogs and maybe, just maybe get some new readers. Well, their monthly theme for May is body image.

Whew, talk about a subject that we all have opinion on and as sad as it sounds I'm sure I would be hard pressed to find a single female who wouldn't want to change something about her body. To me that is sad, so so sad. Yet, I am so guilty of it. There are days I think well, if I didn't have that back fat this shirt would look better, if I didn't have the belly these pants would look better, my ears are too big, my forehead to big (I honestly could keep going). I have always been overweight even though I would kill to have my HS body back because I thought I was fat then! I've always had poor body image but I know I need to change that, especially if I don't want Reagan to grow up this way.
Kudos to pin.terest

During my pregnancy I really didn't care about body image. I was carrying another person so who cares what I look like, was my attitude. After having Reagan I've slipped back into the I hate my body state of mind. Actually, I think it is worse, way worse.  Our diets have gotten worse because the day goes by so fast. I know that is a big excuse but it is true. The minute I get home from work I just want to hang out with Reagan not think about making supper! The weekends are so crammed full of places to go and cleaning to catch up on I don't think to make meals ahead for the week. I know it has to change, it NEEDS to change! I've decided to spend a little money on myself and do the advocare 24 day challenge. I will be doing a whole post on it so stay tuned! This is a way for me to focus on me that way Reagan will have a healthy and happy momma! Reagan, Zoe and I have started taking walks at night. Reagan loves walks, Zoe loves walks and it is a way for me to spend time with each and get a tired dog in the process. My goal is to get at least 3 times a week, small steps right!?

So it has been hard, it still is hard for me to find time to focus on me, my body image and how I am going to improve it but with the 24 day challenge I have a starting point.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tis the Season

Nope not talking about Christmas, I'm talking about spring planting. The time of year that I become a farm widow, dinners get later and later, I'm not sure how there is dirt left in the field because I think my husband brought it all in on his clothes, time of year.

Don't get me wrong, I love spring like love love love it. The ability to open my windows, air out the house, get down and dirty with the cleaning, fresh cut grass, tractor rides and the smell of freshly tilled dirt. My allergies also come back with a vengeance and I think poor Reagan has inherited my allergies, poor baby.

This year is different in the fact that I not only turn into a farm widow but also a single parent. Matt is working later and Reagan is usually asleep by the time he comes in and isn't much help in the mornings because of the early start. Plus to top it off, he got poison ivy. He didn't realize he had it at first but now it is almost gone. This meant he couldn't even hold her if he did get done at a decent time. It was actually sad because he would walk by her and she would look up at him like please pick me up dad, don't you love me anymore. It was tough on him too because he usually does the last feeding duty and rocks her for a bit.

Thankfully, all the corn is in the ground and we only have about 100 acres of beans left and this whole single parent thing can stop for awhile. Having to do this on my own has made me appreciate just how much Matt does do to help me. I'd say I'm pretty darn blessed!

Speaking of being blessed, Mothers day was nice. I will say, whoever decided mothers day should be in May was obviously not married to a farmer. We went to dinner Saturday night with Matt's parents and had dinner Sunday night with mine. Since Matt was farming he we just did breakfast (by that I mean he went and got McDonald's) and then went to fields. Reagan and I went to church and to CVS (because they had formula on sale!) and back home to do laundry and that spring cleaning I talked about. Exciting right, but it doesn't matter.  I hope you all had an amazing mothers day whether you celebrated with your mom, or you got to celebrate holding your babies or those of you still waiting to hold your baby. My thoughts were with you all.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

4 Month Checkup

Friday was Reagan's 4 month checkup. I feel like I'm always saying woah time please slow down, she can't be 4 months old already!!

13lbs 1.5oz
25 inches long

She is in the 50th percentile for both of those. Actually right on the line for the 50th. So my baby girl is just average. The doctor did not seem to think that we needed to change anything because she is growing and is happy and healthy.

He did, however, still hear her heart murmur. It has not gotten worse but it hasn't gotten better like he expected. He recommended that we see a cardiologist just to ensure everything is fine. He truly believes that it will resolve itself but would like the second opinion. There is a cardiologist that comes from Toledo to the hospital and that is one he recommended. The earliest appointment isn't until August 6th. Dr. P (the pediatrician) said Reagan isn't showing signs of having a heart issue such as turning blue, feeding troubles or not growing which makes me feel better. She then had 3 shots, 1 oral and 2 shots which she took like a pro!

I mentioned feeding her cereal, which part of me doesn't want too because that means she is growing  up wayyy to fast but the other part says, whatever keeps her full and happy! Dr. P said not to start cereal till next month. She has had a few spoonfuls of cereal at the sitters (with my permission) and she loved it so I'm not worried about the transition.
All smiles at the doctors!

Looking at the cows with dad

Sitting on the gator, it was still a bit cool for a ride